Well, they really did it this time. My family and friends, that is. Pulled the wool completely over my unsuspecting eyes.

Why wouldn’t I have believed my friend Susan Tjarksen when she coerced me into escorting her to a black tie event saying her husband was in Greece visiting his family?

August 1999 PIC 1

“Who me?” was all I could say walking into the Ambassador East when I learned that Susan’s “occasion” was a surprise 40th birthday bash for moi!

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My mother, left, and Susan were overwhelmed with having “pulled off” the surprise. Co-host Bill Senne was proud of all their secret efforts.

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Most of the Wiltgen clan joined in the celebration.

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Though totally flabbergasted, I managed (somewhat emotionally) to give heartfelt thanks to all of the beautiful people who kept quiet. That was a huge deal.

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Susan Baldwin and her husband, Fredric Burian, were in on the fun.

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Vicky Kaminski, left, and Jeff Meyer flank me and are joined by Val McCune and Danny Campbell. Vicky and Val are sisters and both friends and clients of JRWD. Danny attended Arlington (Heights) High School with my family; he and my younger brother were in the same class.

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Alfredo and Leslie Capitanini offered a toast.

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Dean Kerasotes, Karen Crane, and publicist Hank Lienau had a good time.

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Only pretending to be out of town, Nikko Roussos enjoyed the party with his wife, Susan Tjarksen.

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The JRWD team was there.

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Not one but two glamorous guests; Val and her sister, Vicky, get a hug from my brother, Ray.

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My 40th birthday surprise really took the (Versace themed, of course) cake.

Thank you one and all for sharing this very special day.